Hey, you, gender nectar. Sifting through the grain of gold. Tripping at your door. Is that you?. Alpha in her blood. And when the woman lies. You don't believe her.
It? s one thing to ask why we break up. Have you ever. Wondered why it is we fall in love. Can you tell me. Do you know what it is your looking for. Why do we need.
Little Amsterdam in a southern town. Hominy get it on the plate girl. Momma keep your head down. Momma it wasn't my bullet. . Don't take me back to the Range back to the Range.
Yellow bird flying gets shot in the wing. Good year for hunters and Christmas parties. And I hate, and I hate, and I hate, and I hate elevator music. The way we fight, the way I'm left here silent.
Surrender then start your engines. You'll know quite soon what my mistake was. For those on horseback and dogsled. You turn on at the bend in the road.