Oh, the dream I have suffered. Augured fear upon the water. Vessels tall with small men inside. Coming near against the ebb tide. . I can talk to fox like he's a man.
Anxious mofo, my twin, my friend. Election time again, I wish that I was dead. Some conversation, if you're well read. To calm the storm of shit that's raging in my head.
I, doing a lot of talking. Time goes on, I'm talking still. While soldier girls are dodging grenades and rockets. Moms and dads are paying the bill. .
When the caf doors exploded, I reacted too. Reacted to you. Cast into that sunny morning, I was coming too. But now I'm coming to, I'm coming to. . Papers in the wind a-waltzing, I was dancing too.
Oh, lonely day. Oh, led astray. Oh, burden on the land. Oh, always same. Oh, nothing changed. Oh, urge to bite the hand. . Withholding on. Your promise to the air.