Dropped on to a world of ice. A plateau of frozen lakes. A nazi place of doom. In their sights. Trained in camps on Scottish heights. To Commando Saboteurs.
Budet kom på en kall vinternatt. Carolus finns ej mer. . Hemåt fränder. . Över fjäll, genom bitande köld. De går med sänkta huvuden. . Återvänder. . Död, vänter Armfeldt och män.
Time has worn the soldiers down. Marched for many miles. In the eastern lands so cursed. Time to make a stand. . Tsar has scorched his nations land. Nothing to be found.
Time has worn the soldiers down. Marched for many miles. In the eastern lands so cursed. Time to make a stand. . Tsar has scorched his nations land. Nothing to be found.
Ingen vila till natten. För i gryningen går vi mot strid. Vi är redo att dö för vår kung. Här på fälten vid Breitenfeld. . Svenskar ge eld. Gud äro med oss.
Spent the night in formation,. To the battle we marched in the dawn.... We were ready to die for our king. On the fields of Breitenfeld. . Fire at will.
Spent the night in formation. To the battle we march in the dawn. We were ready to die for our king. On the fields of Breitenfeld. . Fire at will. Aim for their cannons.
Country in depression. Nation in despair. One man seeking reasons everywhere. Growing hate and anger. The Führer's orders were precise. Who was to be blamed and pay the price!.