There's a sentry in a uniform to watch the VIPs along the hall. Strategical discussions taking place behind the steel plated wall. The agents issue the statements to the waiting press who circulate the words.
I was working shift on the six o'clock, quiet in the pale dawn.. Found a bird caught in the machinery, set it free and watched it go. Quit the job that very day, and flew into the sky.
Time passes slow, fields stretch out across open acres. Time passes slow, the giant steps of mankind touch us so little in the great lands. Our little storm whirls away out across calm wide oceans.
We were in the corner, the Clanduff by the door. On opposite sides of the dance hall, staring across the floor. The lights go out, the fists fly in, it's the usual Friday scene.
Take away our history. Take away our heroes. Take away our values. And leave us here with nothing. We were in the garden of Eden. Just as children mess around.