Let us put man and woman together. And see wich one is smarter. Some say man, but I say no. The women got the man like a puppet show. . It ain't me, it's the people that say.
Hey! Matilda, Matilda, Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela.. Once again now!. Matilda, Matilda, Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela..
Matilda, Matilda,. . Matilda, Matilda, Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela. Everybody. Matilda, Matilda, Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela.
I say let us put man and a woman together. To find out which one is smarter. Some say man but I say no. The woman got the man de day should know. . And not me but the people they say.