I've worked for so long. With the weakest of hands on the coldest of shores. The wind and the rain fill me with doubt. But You've never been wrong before.
A house and a wife and two and a half,. I lost my dream in the comfort trap.. I told my God his will could wait,. I've got one foot in a rich man's grave,.
Maybe you'll see me on the evening news. Maybe you'll see me with a bag over my head. If that's the case then I've met my doom. If that's the case then my comrades are dead.
Born in the plains a farmers sons and brothers the same. Raised on promises wed stay that way. As boys we believed summers at the sea. We were free to become men of goodwill side by side.
When I was young I thought like a child. And so I reasoned by why I could see;. Childishly, Show me the truth. . Is a kingdom just beyond reach?. Or is it hidden where it's plain to see.
Shut up if you wanna get paid. What's your option?. Cold corruption or starvation. Buckets for bullet wounds. There are no doctors, only victims, only butchers.
Oh, a little red with your heart in Stalingrad. Oh, it kills me how they hate you but they just don't understand. Oh, red when they put me on the stand.
Sunset on candle road, stores are closed, the street lamps light up,. We take the long way home and dream of where the night will take us,. I'll roll all the windows down, let the magic in, and i'll float out,.
I waited for you, watching you sleep. Machines were beating for you. Dolled up in white, wrapped in tubes. You wore them so gracefully. . Angels and demons were fighting for you.
I see the hands of time,. Race by my tired eyes.. But I'm far too late,. To catch the final call.. It's like a waterfall,. And I'm drowning.. . In my dreams I see a man,.