How much does an opinion weigh. Does it really matter what I say. I can't be responsible. Be yourself or be a tool. . Who cares what you expect. What is politically correct?.
Bass! How low can you go?. Death row, what a brother knows. Once again, back is the incredible. The rhyme animal. The uncannable D, Public Enemy Number One.
Why do I explain myself when everyone's. An idiot but me. I think some people need. Killing for stupidity and I'll be born again. Kicking and screaming.
Hardcase. Fist full of brass. Double barreled pistons and a tank full of gas. He's a heavyweight. Enforcer inside. Like a man in the chair he's gonna go for a ride.
Worship the ground you barely walk on. You give of yourself but your angels are gone. Deny your body is screaming. But your heart and your soul they're bleeding.
Looming large like a favorite son. One more time comes my obsession. Like a mountain stream that ends in mud. I'm wading in waiting for the flood, sinking.