I am so scared. I feel lonely. Why is the world such a fucked up place?. I am so down. I feel worn out. Why is the world such a fucked up place?. I am so sick.
Pride, Porn 'n Prejudice. . Come on folks the show begins. A movie full of whores 'n pimps. Turn out the lights 'n start the reel. Check out who's the imbecile.
This is a scapegoat revolution. This is a scapegoat revolution. . Sixteen, I hated to be. Sixteen, low self-esteem and. Sixteen, I wanted to be. Eighteen, things went better.
Life's just a one way ticket. But your destination is unknown. Some pay the full ride but just get. A journey ending in the very first zone. They fight, hard, long but lose.
I fell in love. With the beauty of. Mother nature's gift to great South Africa. . But it struck me when. I saw those black men. Live township life in Mamelodi East Pretoria.
Wouldn't it be great. To disappea. Delete my name out of every system. A smile on my face. That's my ID. I'm not on your list 'cause I've got no number.
Zondag morgen op transport. warming up onder escort. 'k zet m'n beste vuistje voor. 'k ben alleen maar ik zing in koor. al moet ik uren lopen trekken.
Let's face what you don't admit. Massacre, you had a part in it. Genocide in front of our eyes. Stop masking your guilt with lies. . Come clean!. History can't be lied to 'cause we've seen.