I see the world on a string. It's hanging from a wire. It gets tangled up and spun around. Like the truth inside a liar. Sometimes you wanna get high.
It's just the two of us. A silver cross. And some strength that you won't believe. See I'm not your friend. And I won't pretend. That I've come here for peace.
Are you disappointed,. And have we destroyed it?. I, well I've been stumbling down this long and winding road. And these times are changing,. And it's complicated,.
Hey you,. Have you felt like this before?. You got style but ain't got soul. Are you happy now?. Are you happy tonight?. Or did punk rock get it right?.
I used to want to dream. I used to want to scream at the top of my lungs. Like a diamond in a ring. Or the song you love to sing. The shine is gone. .
You and me. You know we're never going to die. Right or wrong. It still won't mend a broken heart. . And I don't mind. The colors in your hair. You don't see.