Walked away.... Heavier than footsteps drawn across the glade. I flew all night, couldn't get in. Rained all night, all soaked to the skin. Walked away....
Ya no malmite nadi. . Sa da pa ma pa da. Ga ma pa ma pa da. Ga pa ma sa ni ni. . Sa da pa ma pa da. Ga ma pa ma pa da. Ga pa ma sa ni ni. . Sa da pa ma pa da.
Goodbye sweet romance. I am flying away now. Goodbye sweet romance. I am flying away now. . To num aviao saindo fora embora. Estou num aviao saindo fora pra cima.
Je suis totalement obsédée. Doucement s'il te plait. Pourquoi que tu es si méchant. Mon terribly plus bel enfant. Mechant toi tu es quand je te vois. Je te veux plus que hier.
I hope you don't mind but I see you as my sanctuary. I like the way that you are my sanctuary. I hope you don't mind but I see you as my sanctuary. I like the way that you sleep on your shoes.
My friend jamie pan. Peter pan of the park. With flute he pipes his way. On tree branches he plays. Until it's dark. Jamie pan. . When he gets restless.