Words and music by Bob Hartman. Based on Romans 12: 2. . Western world where the strong survive. And the meek will inherit the dregs. Living now in the twilight time.
Stand in the Gap. Words and music by Bob Hartman. Based on Ezekiel 22: 30, 1 Timothy 2: 1, James 5: 16. . There's no feeling. Like when you have a friend in need.
Words and music by Bob Hartman. Based on Luke 19: 40, Psalm 69: 34, 148: 9. . Somebody's gonna praise His name. Somebody's gonna call Him Lord. It'll either be you and me.
Words and music by Bob Hartman. Based on Hebrews 11: 6. . For so long I was depending upon. My senses and fences, I tried to ride on. And trusting in things that can never be seen.