She's fast asleep at Woden's feet. Whilst alms I seek from thronging fairfolk. As a whelp fast to the teat. She smote me then. We've ever since been shadows.
I steep the wool in a cauldron. Of pummelled gall-nuts afloat in urine. Ad river-water thrice-boiled with a bloodstone. . Then let it breathe. Under the beams.
Leaving the path. Lured by an emerald. I wander into the Bog of Names. . Now I'm stuck fast. Calves sorry henges. Glued with the silence of newts in the gloaming.
Fortune wags its tongue. Along the walkways of the bathhouse. They say the monk returned from Iceland. Unearthly boon in stow. He who possesses the Pin of Quib.
There has to be more than this. Is there no reason for me to exist. But for as a plaything of miscreants, malingerers, dastards and knaves?. . How is it so.
Here we are at the Fortress of Long Wings. My fellows bristling with anticipation. At slurp among their supperbowls. A map of steam in the rafters overheard.
We ascended the foaming stair. To the mouth of the Hobthrush's cave. Undecanted the hot wine from a nanny's throat. And placed loaves on the greasy stones.
I am come straight from the palace. Through the toadsong to your step. At the behest of the king. With a gift for your temple. I have lugged this strange contraption.
In the kingdom of Bryneich. Verging on a muddy crook of Coquet. A dice of houses cast with clay and sheepdung. Through a soup of starlit peatsmoke. Gradually emerges as we descend.