I awake and I look down at my sleeping face. From the cold, persuading melodies. Want me to join this unreal dance. An unholy humming that echoes and dies.
And you're sitting in your room. Enjoying entertainment. And you're watching TV. Colors bright and so enchanting. . You couldn't be near her. Wouldn't hear what Annie says.
You see a shocking poster shouting at you. Somewhere from a subway wall. Full of promises and glory. And the cutest headlines that you ever saw. . You have to read and to believe.
Ist dies noch mein gesicht?. Ich hr' meine stimme nicht. Ich habe angst zu sehen. Dies knnte alles vergehen. . Mein herz, es rast so schnell.. Dieser schmerz so grell.
A million miles from here, I stand alone and shout. Not any thoughts, not any doubts. . I look around and nothing, I can see is true. This is anything but new.
I remember every day, every year that pass the way. All the plans and all mistakes we made. She was unhappy, many wishes unfulfilled. So far I can understand life seems always much too hard to stand.
Silence slowly comes to me. Embraces me so tight to keep me cold. The thought that's drifting through my mind. Struggles to be free and wails alone. .