Activate the aggression that exposes the. Hidden,. Denying the existance pf praying to. Illusions. Seek gnosis in the forbidden. Drink from the wates of knowledge.
Hollow inside - I didn't sleep too well last night. Step over, turn the light. Hollow inside - I didn't dream too much last night. Step over, turn the light.
Faces - eyes - noise. . Floating patterns of no coherency, none needed. . From behind the chapel of dreams came imagery. From another world. The left for a brighter star.
Einsam ho gret, den vakraste av alle. Fanga og l¥st i ei sorg ingen skjèner. . Gleden forsvann langt, langt der ute.. Ei brennande lyst, en ingen h¥p..
ANSUZ, ANSUZ!. - Skipet fa fr¥ kai. Aldri vil ho vende att;. ho er trygg i stjernenatt. . WUNJO, WUNJO!. - Reisa har v«rt lang. Han som sèd kjem draumen til;.