Home, home, home. Home, home, home. Take me home. . Just do it right. Make it perfect and real. Because it's everything. Though everything was never the deal.
This is the final resistancel. This was the final revolti. . In desperace hope. With tear-dimmed eyes. With wrath-torn minds. We took up arms one more time.
[Verse I]. Ne regv na gandobe inte noviio extincon. Papi coriiosed exa o extincon. Papi coriiosed exa o. . [Chorus]. Nane devorbvetid loncate. Nane devorbvetid loncate.
Bodiacos. Sunartiu. Segos brigos. Anauos. . (Victorious. By the good-force. Vigorous, mighty. Spirited). . From antumnos the life-giving winds. Fanned the flames into a blaze.