She called me up today. Meet me down at the old cafe. I jumped into the shower. I was getting my marching orders. . We need to talk. Step into my office, baby.
I'm glad to see you. I had a funny dream and you were wearing funny shoes. You were going to a dance. You were dressed like a punk, but you were too young to remember.
You saved for a bass guitar. And you knew you'd made a mistake when you first saw Marr. With your pen and notebook you've blown me away. It's the smallest words we cannot say.
You know it really won't surprise me. If you're a wreck by the age of fourteen. The way you look. The way you look is fine. . So often color-coordinated.
Sure to be a loner, I hear you're not the loving kind. Come on darling, I've something in mind. You're too good looking, I'm always gonna put up a fight.