Now life has ended. Played all the cards that have been handed. And now eternity has a whole new meaning. . With it's no end and no beginning. A heart comes to its last ticking.
Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?. If she could only see you now. If she could only hear you now. Would she run to wash her cheek. To wash the years of filth from her cheek?.
If the only difference between man and animal is self-control. Then there is no such thing as man. . Wheres the self-control?. We act like dogs, our brains are between our legs.
Man has been fooled by his own brain. Mans been deceived, hes gone insane. Hes given away his soul. Exchanged the glory of the immortal. For the self-indulgent lies of the futile.
She grabs me, takes me to the bed once more. Im just a baby, but shes done it all before. Taken advantage of an [incomprehensible] year old, raped his innocence.