Celebrate good times, come on. It's a celebration. Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate. . There's a party goin' on right here. A celebration to last throughout the years.
Celebrate good times, come on!. Let's celebrate. Celebrate good times, come on!. Let's celebrate. . There's a party goin' on right here. A celebration to last throughout the years.
Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate. Celebrate good times, come on. . There's a party goin' on right here. A celebration to last. throughout the years.
Act of love is a luxury. The suit he wears belongs to me. The road is long, seven thousand miles. Soldier talk and uniform. . We can live, I can live.
Yahoo!. This is your celebration. Yahoo!. This is your celebration. . Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate. Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate.
Yahoo!. This is your celebration. Yahoo!. This is your celebration. . Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate. Celebrate good times, come on. Let's celebrate.