How can we escape the insanity. that lurks within?. However, strange it might appear,. it's back to torture me again.. . You should know that I have tried before,.
It is not how you think it is.. Believe in me.. . No, strangled yet released.. Of all your victims, you had to choose me.. You stole my glow, you stole my all....
Cross my bridge of thoughts,. in order to explore.. Confront the lost intentions,. in order to behold the multitude of anguish. that dwell inside of me..
Lightly walking on clouds on a sunny day.. Doesn't feel any pain 'cause it's gone with the rain.. . Prepare the lifetime seekers,. hidden in our past..
You were the source to my deepest figments.. Yet a repentant deceiver, who surrendered to. the uttermost ridiculous ways.. . I still scream in woe.. .
You destroyed the honour.. You destroyed the essence once known as pride.. So rejective, deceiving.... ...but can you stand the feeling. of being caught within yourself?.