At times when it's snowin'. At times when the wind is blowin'. At times when the night is still. At times when the moon has climbed the hill. I can feel you close to me.
A long time ago in the small border town of Nogales. There lived a beautiful Mexican girl named Ava Maria Morales. Her dark hair would glisten and shine when touched by the sun.
A white sports coat and a pink carnation. I'm all dressed up for the dance. A white sports coat and a pink carnation. I'm all alone in romance. . Once you told me long ago.
I love you in a very special kind of way. In fact so much that words could never really say. I love you never knowing that you cared for me. Until I needed you then I could really see.
I don't ask you ,Lord, to lighten up my burden. I don't mind the trials on earth that I go through. Beyond doubt, I want to prove that I am worthy. Of a little spot in Heaven close to you.