Just for you with your open hands. Waiting for the touch of man. Clutching with your blackened gloves. You try to capture all the doves. That flee into.
Photographs of guns and flame. Scarlet skull and distant game. Bayonet and jungle grin. Nightmares dreamed by bleeding men. Lookouts tremble on the shore.
"Comme la chanson est belle". Chantez la Mademoiselle. Dansant dans le Moulin Rouge. . "Love is a leap" she sighed. "Someday I'll be your bride,. When I leave the Moulin Rouge".
I was a nighthawkin' in my taxi. On a cruise below the deadline. My fare was a shaky ol' lush. So I kicked it over and took off. Then he whipped out this switch blade.
Under a loop of stars in the vulgar cold. The dead airport lay. By the pebbles of the highway. Through the snail clouds. You soared to your lover. I hurried away my darling.
Now the sun sits on my hand. O where are you?. Walking the wind I fly above the shore of the town. To the hills where I can hear. The harbor bells ring slavery.
O whither has my lady wandered?. I'll search until I know I've found her. . One green day she left her wings. And cut away her childhood strings. But dropping smiles along the trail.