Buried in the sand. The ocean of desert. Halfway in between. Dream and real world. . Called Ubar, called Irem. What have you concealed?. Cyclopean city.
The ceremony, nine beings in figures. In ultraviolet, Azathoth, center of the Cosmo. Yog-Sothoth, master of dimensions. Nyarlathothep. (Prince of the Abyss).
When messenger arrived. The groundworks of world shook. And priests, hypocrites trembled. Aiwaz has brought knowledge. . And the equinox of gods began.
The shadows crawling all over your body. Making un-understandable signs. You know that they wish. To say something to you. But your hermetically closed mind.
The inexorable aim, aim of illumination. Verification of theories on different levels. Engaged entirely beyond sensual. Without consolation in half way.