Forty million refugees with no place on this earth to call there home. One for every aimless graduate with nothing else to show for it but loans. And those of us who make our mark use someone else's blood.
You drag your tiger's paw across. Your chapped and cracking lips. And open up a crimson slur. You spread each time you kiss. . The broken boy you bargain with.
Trouble tracks me down. It's been dragging me around. Since my feet first touched the ground. And I'm kicking like a kid. 'Cause I can't get rid of it.
She's crossing out the details. And dusting off the picture frames, it's Saturday. She's been waiting for the phone to ring. She's been waiting all night.
I never knew things could be so slow. I could wait so long. Be so still and calm. And get where I want, on your arm. . Thin streaks of tar spill off your right eye.
You get back here. You do it slowly. Do it calm. Now don't be so angry. . I got something. I've been chasing every day. Since I started walking. . It just sits there.
Some men collapse at the racetrack. Their wrong and beat up, their eyes black. Others wilt in casinos. Roll dice and piss away speedboats. . Some dissolve into bar stools.