I sit here clutching useless lists. Keys for doors that don't exist. I crack my teeth on pearls. Tear into the history. Show me what it means to me in this world.
I sit here clutching useless lists. Keys for doors that don't exist. I crack my teeth on pearls. Tear into the history. Show me what it means to me in this world.
Wake. Stand and feel your worth. O my soul. Kneel and know the word. That can save us all. . We are fuel and fire both. We are water. Wed with wine and ghost.
So strange I remember you in protest of a prayer,. And falling back from seas we fear to sail. I swear I saw the shooter, gold teeth and a double dare,.
Your eyes followed me here. Your eyes, seamless and sure. They leave me broken and. In need of a cure. . Your eyes followed me here. Your eyes, sifting my soul.
i hear the waves crash far below,. the rocks are leaping for the sky,. they're starving for the air,. for a bone to break, a dream to smash apart,. but i don't care..