My father Michael is a genius. . He sees this world the way no one can. He brought me up and shaped my mind. at the tender youthful age of 9. He said don't take this for the way it is.
Your invasion was a crime. Your (see through) righteous explanations lies. kicking in our doors, raids at night. won't win our heart, you've lost your minds.
i learned about america from my first day in school land of opportunity, land of the free they told us we were blessed and fortunate but they turned away my questions on homelessness i don't believe-i don't believe born into a national identity a citizenship that defines the word "free" but if we're so fucking free why don't we even get a choice? i never choose to be a citizen, there was no choice given to make i don't believe-i don't believe i don't believe in america or the "american dream" i don't believe in nationalism we're all the same until the rich old men who control the world find something they can't have and they send us out there to kill each other, let the rich fight their wars themselves i don't believe... you've got nothing to gain, by fighting for them!.