Remember walking hand in hand, side by side. We walked the dogs and took long strolls through the park. Except we never had dogs. And never went to the park.
My friends all say that you're no good. That you're not fit to shine my shoes. They say that you are not the caliber of man. That I deserve to have. .
How much is enough? That's a really tough question.. You ought to give it some thought sooner than later.. Got off of the hooch and the crack - let's skip the smack down.
Horrifying as it was for me. To see your face today. I guess I knew that it would happen at some point. And I dreaded it because I knew. That you would be so kind.
If I think about it, I am successful as it were. I get to sing for lovely people all over this lovely world. And I am nowhere near as awkward as I was when I was younger.
You could probably say I'm difficult. I probably talk too much. I over-analyze and over-think things. Yes it's a nasty crutch. . I'm usually only waiting for you to stop talking.
You just want to live your life. The best way you know how. But they keep on telling you. That you are not allowed. . They say you are sick. That you should hang your head in shame.
Back then I often found myself. Driving on the road at night. And the radio was broadcasting the ocean. Warm late spring wind whips through my hair. I am right here, but I wanna be there.
Take Picasso, Arlo Dickson, add some Salvador Dali,. Accompanied by Wagner plus some Public Enemy. She isn't any of these things and she would never want to be.
You are at the height of your game, aren't you. Would you not say that you agree baby. You got your grift all fine tuned and sparkling. Yeah you got your bored look all worked out.