I chase my toil. Hammering a nail against the grain of fact. I keep on bouncing back. Misinformation is passed. . Look left to the right, always fight or fight.
Sanctimonious, reproduce to repent. Nurture the unloved. And drag them out as spiritual waste. Waste, spiritual waste. . Move those pious hands off that which isn't yours.
Without own fate people scorching burns. . Turned to back trails the wrong visor waste most by terror. Without the world come treat to would that borsch.
Name your price for progress. Impoverished settle the bill. Clear a path--coming through!. Clear a path--coming through!. Stylize. Making it easy/ on the eye.
Jesse Pintado. . Name your price for progress. Impoverished settle the bill. Clear a path - coming through!. Clear a path - coming through!. . Stylise.