It takes a woman to quietly plan. To take him and to change him to her kind of man. And to gently lead him. Where fortune can find him. And not let him know that the power behind.
Did she need a stronger hand?. Did she need a lighter touch?. Was I soft or was I tough?. Did I give enough, did I give too much?. . At the moment that she needed me.
I am what I am, I am my own special creation. So come take a look, give me the hook or the ovation. It's my world that I want to have a little pride in.
And that is all that love's about. And we'll recall when time runs out. That it only took a moment. To be loved a whole life long.
So who needs roses. Or stuff like that. So who wants chocolates. They'd make me fat. . And I can get along just fine. Without a gushing Valentine. And I'll get by, kid.
I promise you a happy ending. Like the ones that you see on the screen. So if you had a bad beginning. Love will come out winning in the closing scene.