9 o'clock class feels like five. Asleep at three, so sleep deprived. Stat-60 satisfies 2C. The math GER, not the one for me. . The Central Limit Theorem? Speak English.
We got EAP in the house tonight, Edgar Allan Poe.. America's favorite anti-transcendentalist.. We're taking this back, way back, nineteenth century style..
We got E.A.P. in the house tonight. Edgar Allan Poe. America's favorite anti-transcendentalist. We're taking this back, way back. Nineteenth century style.
And people tried to put us down. When iTunes bumped a post-cold war sound. My generation sat at the mecca of malls. Times Square, I'm there, Via com installs.
Oh snap, you know this track is fly. So get crunked up and don't ask why. Post rap, post punk, post Kurt Cobain. Post Kool Moe Dee post House of Pain.