There's a picture that I carry. One we made sometime ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say, "Just someone I used to know". . Just someone I used to spend some time with.
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There's a picture that I carry. One we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say just someone I used to know.. . Just someone I used to spend some time with.
There's a picture that I carry. One we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say just someone I used to know. . Just someone, I used to spend some time with.
There's a picture that I carry. One we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say just someone I used to know. . Just someone I used to spend some time with.
There's a picture that I carry. One we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say just "Someone I use to know". . Just someone, I used to spend some time with.
There's a picture that I carry. One we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say, "Just someone I used to know". . "Just someone, I used to spend some time with.
There's a picture that I carry one we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me I say just someone I used to know. Just a girl I used to spend some time with just a flame from long ago.
There's a picture that I carry one we made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me I say just someone I used to know. Just someone I used to spend some time with just a flame that's lost its glow.
There's a picture that I carry one. We made some time ago. When they ask who's in the picture with me. I say, just someone I used to know. . Just someone I used to spend some time with.