Tune into messages. from the Eastern avenue.. Lock on to the ether ---. squeeze the signal through and through.. War of the air-waves. making scare-waves..
Later, that same evening, she ran.. I think she ran alone.. Later, she had early warning from. A hidden phone.. Checked with the embassy ---. She might have been.
When the rats are running. and the boys are gunning. for heads on a tin plate ---. you can hear the footfall. softly in the back yard.. And the black jack is called.
In the hands of science ---. the complete appliance.. We're moved to motor.. Do you fly a Spitfire?. Do you slide on a tea-tray?. Or walk on a short trip (Sundays)..
The middle lane has trapped my car. in red-light claustrophobia.. I slip the shackles, cut the rope ---. stand naked with a telescope. as the cat walks alone.
Sailing round the true-blue sphere---. is it too late to bale out of here?. Well, there has to be some better way. to turn back the night,. spin on to yesterday..
Do we inhabit some micro-space. and interface through wires.. Dance on a printed circuit board. throw the software to the fires.. My memory is slim -- so volatile.
Somewhere in a town in England. lay a babe with a curious smile.. He was of your father's children.. Born each side of a dry-stone mile.. He grew up through the schools and factories,.
The lights are down in Germany. and Germany is closed to me. different somehow this time.. The airport's still, cold corridors. ring empty beats through hollow feet.