Last night it came as a picture. With a good reason, a warning sign. This place is void of all passion. If you can imagine it's easy if you try. Believe me I failed this effort.
She didn't mean to deceive you, believe me. But sometimes, the hardest part is conceiving. The good intentions that you had, now only came to this. And although she saw the mark, the arrow missed.
Home show, mom won't know. Run out the back door. He's passed out on the floor. Third time, been caught twice. Forgive our neighbor Bob. I think he humped the dog.
I've been here before a few times. And I'm quite aware we're dying. And your hands, they shake with goodbyes. And I'll take you back if you'd have me.
With all of this I know now. Everythin' inside of my head. It all just goes to show how. Nothin' I know changes me at all. Again I waited for this to change instead.
Ahh... Go!. The sky is falling it's a curious condition. It ain't a fallacy, it ain't superstition. You live your life like you're some kind of actor.