Thou swell, thou witty, thou sweet, thou grand. Wouldst kiss me pretty, would hold my hand. Both thine eyes are cute too, what they do to me. Hear me holler, I choose a sweet lollapaloosa in thee.
This funny world. Makes fun of the things that you strive for. This funny world. Can laugh at the dreams you're alive for.. If you're beaten, conceal it!.
My romance, doesn't need to have a moon in the sky. My romance, doesn't need a blue lagoon standing by. No month of May, no twinkling stars. No hideaway, no soft guitar.
I laughed at sweethearts I met at school. All indiscreet hearts. Seemed romantic fools. . A house in Iceland. Was my heart's domain. I saw your eyes. Now castles rise in Spain.
A-B-C-D-E-G-H. I never learned to spell. at least not well.. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. I never learned to count. a great amount.. But my busy mind is burning. to use what learning I've got..
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . I'm a sentimental sap, that's all. What's the use of trying not to fall?. I have no will. You've made your kill. 'Cause you took advantage of me.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . With a song in my heart. I behold your adorable face. Just a song at the start. But it soon is a hymn to your grace.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . It seems we stood and talked. like this before. We looked at each other. In the same way then. But I can't remember where or when.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . You won't believe it. You can't conceive it. You won't believe your eyes. . Wait till you see him. See how he looks.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . Thou swell, thou witty. Thou sweet, thou grand. Wouldst kiss me pretty?. Wouldst hold my hand?. . Both thine eyes are cute too.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . This can't be love. Because I feel so well. No sobs, no sorrows, no sighs. . This can't be love. I get no dizzy spells.
I'd like to get away, honey. Somewhere alone with you. It could be oh, so gay, honey. You need a laugh or two. . A certain place I know, darling. Where funny people can have fun.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . I get too hungry for dinner at eight. I like the theatre but never come late. I never bother with people I hate. That's why the lady is a tramp.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . Spring is here. Why doesn't my heart go dancing?. Spring is here. Why isn't the waltz entrancing?. . No desire,. No ambition leads me.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . My romance doesn't have. To have a moon in the sky. My romance doesn't need. A blue lagoon standing by. . No month of May.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . I took one look at you. That's all I meant to do. And then my heart stood still. . My feet could step and walk. My lips could move and talk.
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . My funny Valentine. Sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart. . Your looks are laughable. Unphotographable.
(Richard Rodgers / Lorentz Hart). From The Garrick Gaities (1925).. . In our mountain greenery. Where God paints the scenery. Just three crazy people together..
(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart). . Johnny could only sing one note. And the note he sang was this:. Ah. . Poor Johnny one note sang out with gusto. And just overloaded the place.
I don't care if there's powder on my nose. I don't care if my hairdo is in place. I've lost the very meaning of repose. I never put a mud pack on my face.