Oh na na scibbie dooba deng (sing. . Gal if yuh fed up a yuh boyfriend, Let Him Go. And yuh boyfriend a nanga nanga, Let Him Go. 'Cause every night him come in nighy nighy inna yuh ears.
First I loved God, then loved my mother. Love my babies, sisters and brothers. Love my father 'cos that's my mom's partner. Love my grandmother and my grouchy assed grandfather.
Love. So many things I've got to tell you. But I'm afraid I don't know how. 'Cause there's a possibility. You'll look at me differently. . Love. Ever since the first moment I spoke your name.
You don't need to prolong, you can let him know. You ain't gotta hold on, you can let him go. I know you probably need a soldier yo. You can tell him that Bobby V told you so.