Allright Crew!. I am a junglist man!. Don't try to change my plan, yeah!. Right!. Flip that coin - see what you get!. It's MC Dave, who's on the set!.
Brothers and sisters sing a happy song. . Brothers and sisters. ooh come on. . Sing y'all la la la la la cha-lock-a. lock-a. lock-a. . La la la la cha-lock-a.
Everybody oughta sing a happy song be thankful to be a livin'. The good things that you get are just interest on your givin'. And walkin' a mile kind words in a smile to everyone you meet all along.
What's a sweatheart like you doin'. in crummy dumps like those ?. Why do you do the things you do ?. sp-sp-sp spasm, baby. ravin' comatose. Why do you do the things you do ?.