Trapped in denial,. we deny the blood we've spilled,. enemies of creation,. victims of of our own free will.. . Weapons of destruction,. in the name of peace,.
Searching, for the truth, dismissing, dismissing these lies of my youth.. It's time, to get 'em back, this ways ain't working and that's a fact.. This world, has lost its way, lost its mind- in disarray..
Soaked in torment, victim of lies, materialistic, lost in demise.. I reject your values, I have my own faith, I have no trust, in the human race.. Seek the truth, ignore all the ignorance, that they shove down your throats..
I will not suffer, bound by these chains.. To quest for posessions, that can never be obtained.. Ignorance won't conquer me, I won't be a slave.. Can't hide the torment within your gains..