It's a snowy night, the cops shut down the freeway. Big men in plows are out carving up the streets. Below them, jammed on a subway,. I'm with two hundred over-dressed strangers.
I get a call from vance he's an old friend. He's got some you-won't-believe-story to share. He's the place that I go when I need someone who knows me.
I've been avoiding the circus. Afraid the trapeze might fall down. You say the fall will not hurt us. 'cause the net stands apart from the ground.... .
I found you sitting on a suitcase crying. Beneath my feet I feel the rumble of a subway train. And I laugh out loud. ëcause it's the one thing I hadn't been trying.
In the city by the river. A man is standing on a bridge. His eyes to heaven to the forgiver. Who flips the coins on who should live. . A naked lightbulb in the corner.