When I was wandering in the desert. And was searching for the truth. I heard a choir of angels calling out my name. I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again.
Slowly bleeding, watch the vortex feeding. Like a swirling vulture on your face. Every hour the unseen rays devour. Your screaming eyes cry out but they are blind.
A 100 years of toil and pain. To pull a stone upright again. Uproot from its mountain home. Taken to this sacred circle. . Is there a secret in the stone?.
How many lifetimes? How many beginnings?. How many lovers? How many threats?. How many religions to keep us all guessing?. Give me a reason, why? Hell is a reason, why?.
Say goodbye to earth's children. On a sleigh ride to the moon. Blue and white in the distance. Not sorry I'm leaving you. . Now and then the earthrise fills my eyes.