I have sailed to many lands, now I make my final journey. On the bow I stand, west is where I go. Through the night I plough, still my heart, calculate and pray.
Weaving a thread round your heart and your soul. Deceiving your eyes and delaying your goal. Ships in the night when they pass out of sight. Deliver their cargo of earthly delights.
Alright, living in the city can be a cold and lonely place to be. Living in the shadows where there is no sun, there is no breeze. Drinking stale water, having to pay for the privilege.
Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. . When I was younger I thought,. That to kill or be killed was a thing to be proud of. Victim of change, prisoner of hope, hanged by the neck.
As above so below. All things come from the one, now you are the victim. Carried by the wind rooted in the ground. If you want to learn the secrets close your eyes.