So Jesus and the twelve traveled all over Galilee. Not just preaching to the people, but teaching the people. And the crowds followed Him because He talked with authority.
About the same time the Angel Gabriel came. And told of another unusual birth. The child would be a cousin of the Christ. His name would be John. And as he baptized he preached.
I wanna thank you world for lettin' me belong. I'm just one fourth of one small group that sings your songs. I know that there are others who have served in bigger ways.
Solomon was the son of the Gentile adulteress. Bathsheba and David, Israel's greatest king. As king, he built the temple that God would not let his father build.
Oh, Samson, it's been said you were a mighty man. I've heard it said you killed a lion with your hands. And when the people of Philistia raised your Ire.
There's lots of things in this old world. Fancy cars and pretty girls. And somethin' I like more than sunny skies. The grandest thing I've ever seen. Are pictures on a movie screen.
Never heard a snowman talking. Never seen a reindeer fly. Nor seen a wooden soldier walking. Nor met Santa eye to eye. . Now there are those who don't believe.