If we are eternal souls why should we fear death?. Beings of eternity expressed in the flesh. From dust we are born, to dust we regress. Souls of infinity expressed in the flesh.
Beyond Bombay High, on Malabar Hill. In a lush garden lie the secrets unrevealed. . Once death has fed its hungry. And now the sun takes back the life it gave.
From the four winds of the night. To the temple of Soma. Induce the visions of the vine. Talk to Lady Salvia. Mystic, healer. . Leave this realm. Garden of the Gods.
Staring into nothing. Questioning what is real. We don't share the same reality. . Personal perception. Life's your own creation. What you see now is really what you really.
Il y a longtemps. Bien avant qu'elle ne nous ait quittes. Une nouvelle ere, est apparue. Qui a tout deblance. . La deesse, la verite. A jamais oublie.
I wandered through the forest blind. The golden land, I searched so hard to find. Lay in ruins beneath the soul I left so far behind. Lost somewhere within the sands of time.
Stand with me and watch the stars dance across the night. We will steal the sun from its march across the sky. Stand with me where the monuments will lie.