Sunrise, sunset. Sunrise, sunset. Swiftly go the days. . Sunrise, sunset. You wake up, then you undress. It always is the same. . A sunrise and the sun sets.
{"So long, everything" he shouted. Then he ran next door to Margot's house. "I'm moving," he said, "where?" asked Margot. "Two weeks away, two weeks away," he said M-Mitchell.
Now and again. It seems worse than it is. But mostly the view is accurate. You see your breath in the air. As you climb up the stairs. To that coffin you call your apartment.
There is a middle-aged woman, she's dragging her feet. She carries baskets of clothes to a laundromat. While the Mexican children kick rocks into the street.
Here is a scale, weigh it out and you will find. Easily, more than sufficient doubt that. These colors you see were picked in advance. By some careful hand with an absolute concept of beauty.