There's misery in all I hear and see. From the people on TV. After their tea when life begins again. They'll be happier than me. . There are a thousand meals being made on Saturday.
Animals come, banging their drums. Street clears in summer. kids run around, having their fun. men are already drunk. . A religious holiday's begun. maybe it's because we have no sun.
Anthony, bullied at school. Get your own back, now you are cool. Or are you scared?. Bunking off though you're a toff. It's all gone wrong again, you've got double maths.
L O V E, love, it's coming back, it's coming back. L O V E, love, it's coming back, it's coming back. . Refer to our discussions, confirm the terms of our love affair.
"Lazy Line Painter Jane". . Working the village shop. Putting a poster up. Dreaming of anything. Dreaming of the time when you are free from all the trouble you're in.
Sunbeam shone, mousy girl on the end pew. You'd stay home, oh, if only I let you. Le Pastie de la Bourgeoisie. . Municipal pool, you're a junior life saver.
I know you like her. Well, I like her, too. I know she likes you. It's not as if I'm being sent off to war. There are worse things in this world. . There's still room in my wooden horse for two.
He had a stroke at the age of 24. It could have been a brilliant career. Painting lines in a school that was too well known. Painting lines with a friend that had gone before.
Is it wicked not to care when they say that you're mistaken. Thinking hopes and lots of dreams that aren't there?. Is it wicked not to care when you've wasted many hours.
If you find yourself caught in love. Say a prayer to the man above. Thank him for everything you know. You should thank him for every breath you blow.
I wrote a letter on a nothing day. I asked somebody 'Could you send my letter away'?. 'You are too young to put all of your hopes in just one envelope'.
I need someone to take some joy and something I do. You need a man who's either rich or losing a screw. You know I love you, here's the irony. You're going to walk away intact.
I took a long hard look. At the heroes of my youth.. And their antics on the page there on. Can no longer sustain me. Ever since I was a boy. They brought me joy.
I love my car. I'll admit today, I've gone too far. To enamor myself of my little motor car. . I love my dog. I love my pussy cat, I love the rat. That lives under the floor and makes his bed from novelettes.
I know where the summer goes. When you're having no fun. When you're under the thumb. I know where the summer dwells. If your underarm smells. And your kitchen looks like hell.
I fought in a war and I left my friends behind me. To go looking for the enemy, and it wasn't very long. Before I would stand with another boy in front of me.
I could be sleeping. I could be dreaming. I could have ordinary people chasing me from town to town. Mission Impossible. They've got a spy for every blink of your eye.
Honey, lovin' you is the greatest thing. I get to be myself and I get to sing. I get to play at being irresponsible. I come home late and I love your soul.
For the price of a cup of tea. You'd get a line of coke. For the price of a night with me. You'd be the village joke. . For the price of a pint of milk.
I've been feeling down. I've been looking round the town. For somebody just like me. But the only ones I see. Are the dummies in the window. They spend their money on clothes.