Allemande,. where have you gone,. did i know anything about you,. many moons,. have come and gone,. they went so easily without you,. all alone,. i said we'd be,.
I hope all of my days will be lit by your face. I hope all the years will hold tight our promises. I don't want to be old and sleep alone. An empty house is not a home.
Was it all in real time or was it just in my min?. Was I just a ghost passing through you?. Clinging to the wreckage till I got the message. Hanging at the edge of the room.
Sick and angered by my friends extremely cold. Heartless talkin' shit behind my back about me. To my friends the source a jealous passion. Towards a spirit stuck in contention and feel.
Hey, people down the street don't know what's goin' on.. They don't know where I'm going.. They don't know where I'm from.. I've got no time to explain to them..