(Kix Brooks/Ronnie Dunn/Terry McBride). . I get down with music and guitars. I fool around with all kinds of fast cars. It takes you baby to keep my motor running.
That's right, that's right do yo' thang baby, do yo' thang. Yeah and it don't quit but bitch please get yo' hand off my grip. Now that's right and it don't stop right here on W-Ballz.
Your the right one. Yes, the right one. I have never been so sure. Of any one before. . Your the first time. And the last time. You're the one time. They'll be no more.
I never thought I'd ever be caught. Using an old cliche. I'm on a spot believe it or not. This is all I can think of to say. . Related. . Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs.
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--Soopafly--. I had this bitch locked on to me like she was way too clever. Man, Soopafly never ever ever. Fell for the do no and you know I'm. Too swift on my toes and the gifts of hoez.