Raging on, fierce attacking. Splitting flesh, down to bone. Brain is blown, deviate. Serial dementia, fire burns. . Deep inside, gates of hell. Thrown wide open.
I am released. So the game begins again. I am released. I am more than just a friend. I am released. Your image burned in my brain. I am released. Now you , too, will feel my pain.
Those who wield power. Are not aware of limitations. Advanced guard. Ascending so begins. The night of the long knives. Death list is now achieved. Four die every fifteen.
Live this spectacle. Grow and spawn on. Offspring reaching out. Spirit dies for none. This is reality. Live to populate. Dunce or superiority. Enhance and procreate.
Now envenomed. Tearing at your flesh. The rage instilled. Hate soon to mesh. . You're now envenomed. Tearing at your flesh. The rage instilled. Hate soon to mesh.
One by one, they will fall. Execute, conquer all. Threat on earth, body alive. Non convert, unholy cry. . Inconcievable reason to flee. Bloodline severed now you're.