Early cloudy Sunday morning. A somber letter I did write. To let you know the status of this. Alcoholic madness, we have landed hard. . You deny that there's a problem.
Standing at the Argos. Basement where the sex goes. Centuries of seed and stain. Underwater we remain. . Nederlander profile. Round and nose of straight line.
A pretty penny buys you lots of things. A wooden nickel's worth of diamond rings. Good ideas, dozen for a dime. And quarter notes are all lined up in time.
Trapped, silver blue. Plans, utterance. Crashed, turn away. Fate, suffocate. . Doesn't matter how hard I try. Doesn't matter how much I look at you. Doesn't matter how much I say.
Scratching at the surface. Keep the conversation light. Lest I seem offensive. Wouldn't want to be ostracized. . I don't want approval for what I say.
It began sometime last week. The feeling that most everything. Was changing for the worse. All the triggers pulled at once. So begins my ugly fall from grace again.
It began sometime last week. The feeling that most everything. Was changing for the worse. All the triggers pulled at once. So begins my ugly fall from grace again.
Shine your light, your love, your hope. Hold it in your hand so tight. Beam it from your eyes at night. I can't find my way.