Brace yourself kid for the final collapse. Cuz the world is spinning fast. coming off its axis. Fight to survive, ode lay essay. And the kids with the guns shout.
Started off as I fall in a ball of flames. Burning out on your sentiment, it's all in vain. Shot your .44 caliber, words with aim. You mighta killed the heart, but you left the brain.
Did you ever, did you ever. Did you ever get the feeling that you were all alone. And no one ever knew you and you never had a home. And the lights and the colors do their best to distract you.
This is me. I've got a nasty sense of humour and a case of high anxiety. If you please. I would rather be alone, than have the world around you judge me.
I'm feeling lost,. I'm feeling like my heart's. been carved out with a spoon. put on display for all to witness this decay of me and you. . Awaking and taking the cycle of breaking up.