Here is the angel of the world's desire. Placed on trial. To hide in shrouded alley silhouettes. With cigarette coiled. To strike at passing voices. Dark and suspect.
(instrumental). . Related. . 23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head. . Linkin Park Honors Chester Bennington In The Emotional Video For 'One More Light'.
Thela Hun Ginjeet. Thela Hun Ginjeet. . Thela Hun Ginjeet. Thela Hun Ginjeet. . Thela Hun Ginjeet. Thela Hun Ginjeet. . Thela Hun Ginjeet. Thela Hun Ginjeet.
She is susceptible. He is impossible. They have their cross to share. Three of a perfect pair. . He has his contradicting views. She has her cyclothymic moods.
Oh they're touching. They're touching each other. They're feeling. They push and move. And love each other, love each other. They fit together like two hands....
Well I got two hands, I wanna clap my hands together. I got two legs, I wanna dance to heavens door. I got one heart, I'm gonna fill it up with up Jesus.
What happened to the sweet love you and me had. where did all of that stuff start to go so bad. what happened to the sweet love you and me had. where did all of that stuff start to go so bad.