I can't remember when you weren't there. When I didn't care for anyone but you. I swear we've been through everything there is. Can't imagine anything we've missed.
Another day melts into the evening. I sit alone and watch the stars. Remembering times. I think of the past. . Here in my isolation. In the solitary situation.
The Art Of Falling Apart. Falling through at the seams. Living life in a dream. Even smiles make a lie. And I smile all the time. . I'm skilled at the art.
Dishonesty breeds like poison in an unhealed wound. Multiply tell a little lie. To pull the wool. Over god's little eye. Before he makes up his mind. And that wouldn't do.
Wash away all the lines on your face that show how you've aged it's a long way down. Your back's been broken you can't make the rounds the tables are turned as the litany goes....